Sunday 2/2/2025
Good day! Please see this week’s Announcements for Mt. Calvary Baptist Church:
For those who wish, you may wear your African attire for the month of February to Commemorate Black History Month.
Intercessory Prayer will take place every second Sunday of the month, 8:30am until 8:55am in the Sanctuary. We pray that you will be able to join us! Prayer changes things!!
Mount Calvary will be holding a financial seminar for adults and youth Saturday, February 22, 2025, at 9 AM in the fellowship hall. You can REGISTER & BOOK YOUR SEATS AT MOUNTCALVARYMH@YAHOO.COM. Light refreshments will be provided.
To all Young Adult's 18 and up
Mount Calvary will be starting a young adult Bible study on Thursday February 6th from 6:30pm to 7:30pm. This is a tender Age where one can make a vital decision that can impact the trajectory of one's life and eternal life after death.
The GOAL is to maintain, retain and obtain the souls of our young adults through consistent engagements about life in the bible and life as we see it today. We will learn how biblical life applies to today's life.
Come and joy us every Thursday night with like-minded discussions that will provoke incremental progress to a better you in Christ Jesus.
Mt. Calvary Baptist Church Literary Ministry
The Literary Ministry will start to meet again on Sunday, February 23,2025, via Zoom at 7PM. We will be reading Fear Has a Name, by Creston Mapes. We will only be reading the first half in February. Please submit the name of any book you like to be considered for 2025 to Sister Danita Corsey, Deaconess Patsy Taylor, or Deaconess Laverne Rose no later than Friday, February 14th, 2025. You can email Sis. Corsey at or text her at 856-264-4772. A list will be sent out to everyone to vote after Rev. Rose has approved the list. You can email or text Sis. Corsey your choice. She will inform you at the February meeting which books had the most votes. We read various genres, but keep in mind we represent Mt. Calvary. We only read half of a book a month and meet for an hour. Please invite your friends, family & neighbors to join us. You do not have to be a member of Mt. Calvary to participate. The only requirement is to have a love of reading. We have had some exciting discussions on the books we have read. Please join us!
Sister Danita Corsey
The Missions Ministry is requesting the entire Congregation to participate in “Project Blessing Bag”!
We are asking that our members keep a “Blessing Bag” in your car* in case you see someone in need. You can make these up with items from the Dollar Tree such as gloves, thermal socks, beef sticks, crackers, candy bars, toothpaste, toothbrushes, wipes, deodorant, snacks and other items that may help someone who is homeless or in a bad way. It is just a thoughtful, inspiring thing to do. Random acts of kindness.
All that we ask is that you let us (Deaconess Donna Wilson) know when you give someone a “Blessing Bag” so that we are able to quantify the outreach of this project.
Thanking you with Jesus’ joy.
Monthly Newsletter
All Ministry heads and Committees please email or text Sister Danita Corsey for any upcoming announcements of meetings, upcoming events or any information that you want published in the monthly Newsletter no later than the 3rd Sunday of every month. Any member who wants to share any information can send that to her via email at or phone at 856-264-4772
Church Resource Directory
Don’t forget about our Church Resource Directory. Once again, this directory will be given out and posted on our website. There is a box located in the vestibule for the completed forms. For questions or concerns please see Sister Lauretta Baylor or Sister Lynne Bundy
Black History Month trivia question of the week.
The children’s question for this week is: Who was the prominent person associated with Black History Month?
The adult question for this week is: Who was the first black woman known to refuse to give up a seat on a bus?
Be the first person to either email or text Sister Danita Corsey at 856-264-4772