Sunday 11/10/2024

Good Day please see this week’s announcements for Mount Calvary.

Our Strategic Planning meeting will be on Monday November 11th from 6:30-7:30 on ZOOM.  We encourage all to participate!


Mt. Calvary will be having their 2nd annual Mt. Calvary BC Community Thanksgiving Dinner November 23, 2024 from 1-4pm. In the fellowship hall right here at Mt. Calvary. Please be sure to join us! ——————————————————

On Sunday, November 17th, we will travel in the afternoon to Zion Baptist Church in Camden for Pastor William Elliot’s pastoral anniversary.  They will be feeding us and it will be a great fellowship!  Please put this on your calendar to go with us!


Mt. Calvary members Are being asked to help support their Outreach for Thanksgiving. The Ushers have a list of items needed. Please purchase these items if you can, and have them to the church by Friday, November 15th between 11am and 1pm or  Saturday, November 16th between 11am and 12noon. Thank you again. We appreciate all of your efforts.



The Missions Ministry is requesting the entire Congregation to participate in “Project Blessing Bag”!
We are asking that our members keep a “Blessing Bag” in your car* in case you see someone in need.  You can make these up with items from the Dollar Tree such as gloves, thermal socks, beef sticks, crackers, candy bars, toothpaste, toothbrushes, wipes, deodorant, snacks and other items that may help someone who is homeless or in a bad way.  It is just a thoughtful, inspiring thing to do.  Random acts of kindness.
All that we ask is that you let us (Deaconess Donna Wilson) know when you give someone a “Blessing Bag” so that we are able to quantify the outreach of this project.
Thanking you with Jesus’ joy.

Monthly Newsletter
All Ministry heads and Committees please email or text Sister Danita Corsey for any upcoming announcements of meetings, upcoming events or any information that you want published in the monthly Newsletter no later than the 3rd Sunday of every month.  Any member who wants to share any information can send that to her via email at or phone at 856-264-4772
Church Resource Directory
Don’t forget about our Church Resource Directory. Once again, this directory will be given out and posted on our website.  There is a box located in the vestibule for the completed forms. For questions or concerns please see Sister Lauretta Baylor or Sister Lynne Bundy